Here to bore you with another one of my tales

Friday, July 28, 2006

Getting ready to fly!

OK maybe not yet.

Today I went out shopping for essentials. You know, clothes hanger, shampoo and the like. I filled two baskets with my stuff; even mum was complaining that I might not be able to bring all those shit with me, what with the weight limit imposed on my luggage and all. Bought them anyway - can always leave things I don't really need like foolscape paper and dish washing liquid behind. Whatever it was, dad went pale when the total amount was rung up on the cash register.

24 days until I am actually there, and requiring all the stuff I just bought!

Then again, I feel like a traitor for being so happy about this leaving business. But it's hard to mask the excitement of meeting new people, new sights, new everything! It's strange when all the while you'd be thinking: OMG I can't wait to step foot on new soil, and somebody (parents, boyfriend, friends - you take a pick) tells you he/she is going to miss you, you don't know if you should backtrack on your feelings, or feel guilty about feeling the way you do.

Complicated shit.


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